Greenhouse Management



NAPHTHALENE ACETIC ACID (NAA) – A synthetic auxin with commercial use.

NECROSIS – Death of cells resulting in necrotic or dead tissue.

NEMATODES – Small, usually microscopic, eel-like roundworms.

NITRIFICATION – The oxidation of ammonium to nitrate in soils or other media. Process is microbiologically mediated.

NITROGEN IMMOBILIZATION – The transformation of available forms of nitrogen, such as nitrate and ammonium, into organic forms that are not readily available to plants.

NUTRIENT FILM TECHNIQUE (NFT) – The culture of plants in a system where a thin film (a few millimeters deep) of nutrient solution is circulated through a trough that also contains the plant roots. It is a specialized form of hydroponics.

NYMPH – The immature form of those insects that do not pass through a pupal stage. Nymphs usually resemble the adults, but are smaller, lack fully developed wings, and are sexually immature but eat the same food, and reside in the same environment.