Chapter 26

Integrated Pest Management in Greenhouses

Record Keeping

A formal record keeping system that is consistently used while monitoring is essential to a successful IPM program. Proper monitoring should identify specific areas within the greenhouse where pests are absent or where pests are present at levels well below those necessary to cause damage, thus preventing unnecessary control applications and expenditures. Managers trying to diagnose a problem without records are at a disadvantage and will overlook potential causes of the problem. Weekly summaries of all monitoring observations should be recorded and the information should be itemized for each greenhouse, according to the pests detected, the counts, and any unusual circumstances found in the greenhouse. As the season progresses and pest trends develop, the pest management tactics employed will become apparent.

Monitoring Forms and Maps

Monitoring forms (i.e., datasheets) and even maps of greenhouse(s) are often used to record monitoring information, particularly on a large-scale basis. Maps of the greenhouses showing where benches, sticky traps, and indicator plants are located should be maintained. Disease, mite, and insect infestations can be penciled in on these maps, and movement of the infestation can be monitored. As the season progresses, pest trends develop, and a direction for pest management decisions will be seen. The goal is to set up a clear, concise way of recording and communicating all plant and pest monitoring information in order to make informed decisions as a grower.

Click on the following topics for more information on integrated pest management in greenhouses.